On Alaska Boogie, the Mighty Cash Cats, led by Ventura resident and chief Cash Cat Michael J. Smith, present an album’s worth of Smith’s own winning tunes. The title track is a humorous recounting of a barroom brawl delivered in a thoroughly George Thorogood style.

“License to Rock” is an Americana gem that hits the sweet spot while covering all the bases — from the Tommy James and the Shondells “Mony, Mony”–inspired opening chords to the New York Dolls–meet–Elvis vocal delivery, Shangri-La-like girl group chorus, and Van Halen–esque guitar solo. Meanwhile, the bluesy “Johnny and June” is an inspired love letter to the iconic country music sweethearts — and all the Sun Records superstars, too. Smith’s melodic side shines on “The Dancer,” and “No More Lonely Days,” both beautifully sung by bandmate Leticia Blumette.